Meet The Staff

Northwest Oral Surgeons is staffed by a group of well trained and knowledgeable clerical and surgical assistants. They come from a diverse background and have come together to work as a team.

Your first interaction with our office will likely be a phone call or visit to our front desk schedulers. We work hard to maintain the best in customer service. Healthcare can be confusing and insurance coverage only compounds the problem. Our team can help you sort out what you need and help you understand your insurance coverage. They can help you get the right appointment and often direct you to a no-charge consultation.  Their aim will always be to  direct you to the most helpful visit. 

Our surgical staff will help you through your exam and surgical visits. They are extremely qualified, thorough and compassionate.  We understand that, no matter how many patients we see, each patient’s visit is unique and stressful. Our focus is on safety, education and effective care. It is not easy to face a stressful procedure and also be alert to instructions for post-operative care. Our staff will ensure that you have what you need to recover and get on with your life.